
The Integrative Center for Alternative Meat and Protein (iCAMP) leads the way in developing transformative knowledge & innovation to accelerate the commercialization of alternative proteins and sustainably fulfill all global need predicted by 2050.

iCAMP is a comprehensive center of excellence accelerating key routes to the commercialization of alternative proteins (plant-based, fungal/fermentation-based, cell-based meat) to meet the growing global demand for delicious, nutritious, healthy, and affordable protein-rich foods. 

iCAMP will identify food properties driving consumer acceptance, hybrid products, and integrated processes to make commercialization faster and more sustainable.


david block portrait

Center Director

Professor David Block

Department of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis
Department of Chemical Engineering, UC Davis

Dr. Block serves as the ICAMP Center Director and leads the efforts to build global excellence in alternative protein and cultivated meat food innovation research and development.  Please direct all inquiries to deblock@ucdavis.edu.




kara leong portrait

Executive Director

Kara E. Leong, M.S.

Leong manages the overall program, strategic partnerships, external relations, and activities for the Integrative Center for Alternative Meat & Protein (ICAMP).  Please direct all inquiries to  keleong@ucdavis.edu. 





denneal jamison mclung portrait

Education & Workforce Training Director

Dr. Denneal Jamison-McClung

Dr. Jamison-McClung leads the education and workforce development for iCAMP.  
